SIG/AltArch meeting 2025-02-21
- Neil Hanlon
- Bryan Zuelly
- Rob Dufalo
- Sherif Nagy
- New u-boot: 2025.4-rc2
- Needed to update cross-binutils, cross-gcc, add crust-firmware, and then build uboot-tools
- Had to disable bpf in cross utils, not sure why
- [ ] Create ticket about fixing this to re-enable bpf
- Had to turn off rock5b/rk3358 because of proprietary firmware blobs for the soc
- Maybe we could provide some script/instructions to help the user use these
- Upstream work on enabling GPT in u-boot so we don't have to continue maintaining mbr images
- [ ] Neil and Bryan to work on GPT / u-boot / MBR
- ARM Board Updates
- Raspberry Pi - What's going on?
- Kernel 6.12 vs 6.6
- RPi foundation 6.12 is not “stable” yet
- Newer 6.6 release updated and images built / tested
- Could we build alternative kernel for newer / unstable kernels
- Limited capacity to maintain
- [ ] Cross train SIG on kernel maintenance tasks
- [ ] Write documentation on kernel maintenance tasks
- No movement on KernelManager/repacker
- [ ] Neil and Mustafa sync on KernelManager and how to integrate SBC
- Version 6 of the latest image available, testing wanted
- [ ] Neil to integrate the image build into empanadas
- Sherif's PRs not merged yet so need to merge them or use branches
- Bryan will test with NVME
- Rob and Brian Clemens have been/will be working on getting the image into the RPi Installer upstream
- Packaging of scripts/utilities
- Move rootfs-expand to its own package from sig release package
- Relocate or remove the wifi fix script from sig release package to a firmware-specific package
- Investigate if we need these
- Need to bring in bluez to fix remaining bluetooth issues
- Split kernel-rpi-firmware into its own package instead of building within kernel-rpi
- RISC-V Updates
- Neil working on announcement:
- Sherif got his first p550 from Rivos
- Issues compiling the vendor kernel for rocky 10
- [ ] Create issue for tracking P550 kernel issues - Sherif
- Neil will ask around the Fedora RISC-V SIG
Open Floor
Action Items
- [ ] Write documentation on kernel maintenance tasks
- [ ] Neil and Mustafa sync on KernelManager and how to integrate SBC
- [ ] Neil to integrate the image build into empanadas
- [ ] Create issue for tracking P550 kernel issues - Sherif
- [ ] Create ticket about fixing this to re-enable bpf
- [ ] Neil and Bryan to work on GPT / u-boot / MBR
- [ ] Cross train SIG on kernel maintenance tasks